
Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Mon Apr 15 2019, 06:11pm

*My daughter received complimentary Invisalign ® treatment due to my collaboration with the brand, but all opinions are my own.

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Thu Mar 14 2019, 02:12pm

*My daughter received complimentary Invisalign ® treatment due to my collaboration with the brand, but all opinions are my own. Teenagers today are different than we were —less rebellious, more respectful of others —and with priorities we, their parents, might not even recognize. Researchers have been polling teenagers with the same questions —and some new ones— since the 1960s. And when a San Diego State psychology professor delved into the latest findings, she found today’s kids are actually growing up more slowly than we did in many ways. There’s a lot to like about how teens today are navigating the world. In many ways they’re better than we were!

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Feb 05 2019, 04:51pm

One of the top teen New Year’s resolutions of 2019 is to “be happier.” It’s broad and it’s basic, but if you remember your own teenage angst, it makes a lot of sense. Here are four ways to help teens help themselves toward this worthy goal.

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Mon Dec 24 2018, 04:06pm

Help For Holiday Shoppers Who Procrastinate

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Fri Oct 28 2016, 05:36pm

Since store-branded cards have record-high interest rates and standard cards are offering record sign-up incentives, the choice is clear for most

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Fri Oct 07 2016, 06:03pm

Three Favors You Can Ask Of Your Creditors That Could Raise Your Credit Score

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Jun 21 2016, 06:18pm

How to find and use Amazon's little-known coupons

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Fri Mar 18 2016, 04:52pm

By Elisabeth Leamy

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Wed Jan 13 2016, 04:40pm

It’s been a couple of weeks.  That means about 30 percent of us have already given up on our New Year’s resolutions, according to studies.  If that resolution is a financial one, then I urge you to “take a mulligan.” Hit the re-set button.  Begin at the beginning.  Start over.  Don’t give up

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Wed Jan 13 2016, 04:32pm

I still get emails.  Four years later.  People asking me to help them find their unclaimed money.  That’s how I know my now-ancient Good Morning America series where we reunited viewers with their unclaimed money made an impact.  I’ve told you WHERE to search for unclaimed money in past articles.  Now let me tell you HOW, step-by-step.  It’s quick and easy but if you want to really know you’ve covered all your bases, this is the method: