
Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Dec 20 2011, 12:36am

I've done it

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Nov 22 2011, 01:15am

"Black Friday" takes place later this week and I can't remember a year when it was more hyped than it has been in 2011

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Wed Nov 02 2011, 01:14am
Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Nov 01 2011, 01:13am
Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Oct 25 2011, 01:12am

"Sending in a little extra saves you a lot." That was my argument in last week's column (hyperlink) about the beauties of mortgage prepayment

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Oct 18 2011, 01:11am

In these tricky economic times, if your stockbroker told you he had an investment that was guaranteed to get you a five to ten percent return, you would call him a crook

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Oct 11 2011, 01:10am

Don't you love it when there's something on your "To Do" list and then you find out somebody else has come along and done it for you

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Sep 27 2011, 01:08am

The "Extreme Couponers" over on TLC may be making things harder for the "Pristine Couponers" I know who use but don't abuse coupons

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Sep 20 2011, 12:35am

I just refinanced my house

Posted by Elisabeth Leamy, Tue Aug 23 2011, 01:08am

As parents send their kids off to college, some might be in the market for a reliable used car so that their offspring can fly (or drive) back to the nest for holidays and so on